Vectric/Axiom Online Training

Featured Courses

Vectric/Axiom Level-1 Training

Axiom/Vectric Level-1 CNC Training Thank you for ordering the Level One Axiom/Vectric CNC Training. We trust that you'll enjoy this training, and know that you'll find the videos to be instrumental as you advance your CNC journey. These videos are intended to be watched in chronological order as each lesson builds upon the previous. Your order provides unlimited access to this content for 30 days, at which time your access to the content will expire. This video content remains the property of Axiom Tool Group, Inc., and is intended to be viewed solely by the individual purchaser. It is not to be copied, downloaded, or shared in any capacity. It is highly recommended that you install Vectric VCarve on your computer prior to viewing this tutorial. To access a free trial of Vectric VCarve, please visit PLEASE NOTE: all supplemental course materials are provided via a link in each video lesson's description. If you have any questions or would like to inquire about purchasing an Axiom CNC router or additional training resources, please contact us at [email protected] or call (844) 642-4902. ©2021 Axiom Tool Group, Inc. These videos are protected wholly and individually under the Copyright Laws of the United States and other countries throughout the world. Country of first publication: United States of America. Any unauthorized exhibition, distribution, or copying of this video or any part thereof may result in civil liability and criminal prosecution.

$299.00 USD